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HAR's 2024 Travel Advisor Survey is closed & soon we'll crank out the best travel advisor daata our there. Here's how it can help you start, benchmark, and grow your travel business.

Leverage HAR's Reports to Grow Your Biz

The Most Complete Picture of the Travel Advisor Ecosystem. Period.

With 20+ organizational partners promoting HAR's survey and 2,300+ advisors completing it, HAR's research reports uncover layers of advisor segments difficult to portray - hosted and independent advisors. 


Career Satisfaction


Operations & Technology

Industry Engagement



  • Gauge startup costs & discover competitive host agency commission splits.

  • Create an informed business plan or growth plan with the numbers you need to understand the pivots you can make to hit your targets.

  • Compare your income with advisors like you & create informed growth goals.

  • Implement or evaluate your fee strategy.

  • Make informed decisions for which education and technologies to choose.

New Travel Advisors

Benchmarking | Startup Budgeting | Fee Strategies | Business Plan Development

  • Find the latest trends among a very experienced travel advisor segment.

  • Get intel on the latest trends on new hosted advisors for a pulse on emerging trends that will shape the future of travel.

  • Understand what technology hosted advisors use.

  • Discover average sales per booking for top products for hosted and independent advisors.

Host Agencies & Consortia

Product development | Marketing Initiatives |  Pricing strategies | Product Offers

Actionable Data to Grow Your Biz.

All advisors who complete HAR's Travel Advisor Survey and organizational partners with 100+ respondents will receive a free copy of the research report that aligns with their segment. For non-respondents, HAR offers sliding scale pricing based on your organization's size ($89-$250).

  • Benchmark personal sales and income against current averages, taking into account niche, experience, hours worked, and more.

  • Gain an understanding of income potential (or average income) by niche and product.

  • See where your average sales per booking falls compared to the industry at large.

  • Make data-backed decisions on fee amounts by comparing to industry averages.

  • Find the travel tech that most advisors are using.

Experienced Travel Advisors

Benchmarking | Growth Strategy | Fee Strategies | Business Plan Development

  • Glean insight into emerging trends distinct to those newest in the industry.

  • Find concrete data on the hosted advisor's growth potential.

  • Understand what technology hosted advisors use

  • Find concrete data on the hosted and independent advisor's growth potential.

  • Discover sales an income trends as influenced by niche, average sales per booking, and top products (for new and experienced advisors).

  • Learn where hosted advisors are most strongly concentrated.

Suppliers & Travel Tech

Product development | Marketing Initiatives |  Pricing strategies | Product Offers

HAR's Latest Surveys

Hosted Advisors

This ~70 page report gives you the complete information on hosted advisors including startup trends, income, fees, host agency relationships, new advisor data and more.

>>> Read the summary

Independent Advisors

This ~70 page report with complete information on independently-accredited advisors including sales, salaries, fees, agency size trends & more. 

>>> Read the summary

TA Employees

Comprehensive information on travel advisor employees from salaries & wages, benefits levels, demographics and more. 

>>> Read the summary

Partner with Us

Brand Recognition  

Survey partners are listed in our survey report press releases (1-2), report downloads (3), and report summaries (3). (Find an example of an acknowledgment here or here.)

Data Scientist Luminary Award Eligibility   

Promoting HAR's survey to among your advisor networks is the only way for host agencies to receive a Data Scientist Award & a Galaxy Award. (See full luminary award requirements here.) 


How do you partner with us on our surveys? It's simple. 

Reach out to [email protected]. She'll set you up with a custom survey link to track your referrals plus a survey promotion kit with marketing assets (email verbiage and social media posts) to share among your network. 

Custom Survey Report for Your Segment

Participants who garner 50+ respondents receive a custom data report on their on their segment. (View a sample custom report here.)

Thank you to our 2024 Survey Partners!

Association of Black Travel Professionals (ABTP)

American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) 

Adventure Travel and Tourism Association (ATTA)


Celebrity Cruises

Dugan's Travel

Expedia Cruises

Family Travel Association

Gifted Travel Network 

Independent by Flight Centre/ Envigo 

KHM Travel Group

Levarté Travel

Montecito Village Travel 

MAST Travel Network

Nexion Travel Group 

Nexion Travel Group - Canada 

Pax News

Pickles Travel Network 

Royal Caribbean Cruises 

Signature Travel Network 



The Travel Society LLC.

Travel Planners International


Travel Pulse

Uniglobe Travel Center


World Via - Travel Quest Network


We'd like to work with you. How can our organization be a part of your survey?

We'd love to work with you too! Drop us an email at: Hello at for more details. Our travel advisor survey runs mid-April through mid-June each year.

Who analyzes the data?

HAR has worked with data scientists and a survey administrator to help set up the infrastructure of our survey and data analysis to ensure we're following best practices.

Where can I find past reports with historical data?

We've been creating travel advisor reports since 2017. You can find a full archive of all our past reports as well as links to purchase them.

When do the reports come out?

We publish the reports one at a time and they are released each year in the fall.

I struggle to afford the reports but would find them helpful. Can you offer a discount on the report cost?

We offer a sliding scale for report costs based on agency size and sales volume. However, all survey participants receive a free copy of the report within their segment. We also offer free report copies to survey partners who reach a response threshold. 

When do you publish your reports? 
We release annual reports on hosted, independent, and employee travel advisors. Our PDF report vary in length from ~50-70+ pages depending on the travel advisor segment covered and our participation rate that year. You can check out a sample table of contents for all report segments here so you can know what to expect!

Find HAR's survey out & about on the web!